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Title:Domain transfer operation procedure indetail Article published2010.08.05

Turn out of the domain name refers to the clients from a registered traders to other domains registered traders.

1 the necessary conditions for the domain name turn out is:

1) domain name registration or renewal of time is full of 60 days

At least 2) is due within 30 days

3) no, no ownership of the domain name dispute owe

* (special circumstances, please contact customer service consulting),

2 before transfer information query, check subordinate whois domain registrar and domain name all information:,,,

3 the international domain new turn out for transfer password steps

1) provide username, password, domainers license scanning (for) personal id scanning.

2) contact. Send to customer service mailbox

3) audit, after 3 days to send mail transfer registration code.

4 domestic domain new turn out for transfer password steps

1) provide username, password, domainers license scanning (for personal id scanning,

2) contact. Send mail to customer service

3) fill in application domain registrar transfer domainers red seal (stamp signature), along with personal is registered the duplicate of the business license (copy) for personal id together to mail us

Domestic domain name registration business turn out one application form

4) identity verification, material receiving mail client after stamp.

5) customer contact new password for transfer.

5, 10 thousand nets turn out for domain password steps. Transfer

1) provide username, password, domainers license scanning (for personal id scanning,

2) contact. Send mail to customer service

3) fill in application domain registrar transfer domainers red seal (stamp signature), along with personal is registered the duplicate of the business license (copy) for personal id together to mail us

10 thousand nets international domain registrar transfer, 10 thousand nets application domain transfer registration service domestic application

4) identity verification, material receiving mail client after stamp.

5) customer contact 10 thousand nets for transfer password.

6 domain to any other agent steps

1) provide in our member name, password domainers license scan (personal) for id scanning

2) any other agent provides international domain ID and management.

3) contact. Send mail to customer service.

4) audit, after the international domain transfer within 3 days. Complete

Domestic domain names change in management

5) identity verification, material receiving mail client after stamp.

6) completed any customer contact

7 to 10 thousand nets, domain name other agent steps

1) provide in our member name, password domainers license scan (personal) for id scanning

2) contact. Send mail to customer service

3) fill in application form with transfer business domainers red seal (personally signed), as well as the registrant the duplicate of the business license (copy) for personal id together to mail us

10 thousand nets business transfer form

4) identity verification, material receiving mail client after stamp.

5), 10 thousand nets transfer customer contact

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